Work, where you could otherwise go on vacation
We live and work in a beautiful nature reserve, its protection is of great importance to us
Since 70 years Veyhl develops and produces, on a place where other people would go on holidays: In Zwerenberg in the Black Forest. From the very beginning, Veyhl, as one of the largest employers in the district, has also borne responsibility for its environment, employees and partners.
We do not see ecology and economy as opposites, but as two crucial elements of the whole. As a leader of innovation and technology, our goal is to design and maintain a desirable living environment - for nature, people and animals.
Due to our high vertical manufacture range, we are directly able to ensure the quality of our products and guarantee good working conditions. Suppliers must support these standards accordingly. We focus in particular on supplier relationships in the local environment. 90% of our suppliers come from Germany, 97% from Europe.
Our corporate culture is based on fundamental quality and environmental objectives initiated by top management. Through systematically planned processes, we aim to ensure that negative environmental impacts are avoided and the best possible quality is achieved for our customers, at all times. The aim is to consistently develop the effectiveness and efficiency of our products and processes and to comprehensively safeguard the requirements of sustainable production. Interdisciplinary teams continuously drive this process forward and promote awareness among the work force.
We continuously monitor our energy consumption using appropriate software. This enables us to allocate energy consumption to the respective energy consumers. Only by precisely analysing consumption data can we identify potential savings and verify the effective implementation of measures.
Our market success and quality of our products are closely linked to the performance of our partners. Thereby we favor long-term co-operations within Europe.
Veyhl GmbH
Schwarzwaldstraße 2-8
D-75389 Neuweiler-Zwerenberg
Phone: +49 (0)7055 18-0
Fax: +49 (0)7055 18-180