Legal notice

according to §5 Abs.1 DDG

Veyhl GmbH
Schwarzwaldstrasse 2-8
D-75389 Neuweiler
Commercial register: HRB 331658
Registry court: District court Stuttgart
Represented by: Jochen Gerken

Telefon: +49 (0)7055 18 0
Mail: info(at)

VAT ID number
Sales tax identification number in accordance with section 27 of the Sales Tax Act: DE 814 121 048

Responsible for journalistic and editorial content according to §18 Abs. 2 MStV :
Nadine Bontje
Corporate Communication
Mail: Nadine.Bontje(at)  
Schwarzwaldstraße 2 - 8
D - 75389 Neuweiler

Conceptual design & technical support:
Bahnhofstraße 30
72213 Altensteig

D-U-N-S Nummer (Data Universal Numbering System): 333 577 968
© Copyright 2025: All rights reserved. Text, pictures and graphics as well as their arrangement in the website are subject to copyright protection and other protective legislation. The contents of these websites may not be copied, disseminated, modified or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes.
© Copyright for picture sources: Veyhl GmbH, author Roland Horn (photographer)

Do you have questions about our products or our company? Send us a message and we will be happy to forward your request to the respective contact person.

*Fields are mandatory

General inquiry:

Veyhl GmbH
Schwarzwaldstraße 2-8
D-75389 Neuweiler-Zwerenberg
Phone: +49 (0)7055 18-0
Fax: +49 (0)7055 18-180

Route plan: